Today we changed plans and went to a dive site with a massive illegal fisherman‘s net. Our plan was to remove it and save the entangled marine life. BUT, the visibility was really awful and the directions we‘ve been given were probably wrong, because we couldn‘t find it during our two 1h long dives.

And I got some sort of ear infection. It didn‘t hurt under water, but the doctor gave me some antibiotics and said I shouldn‘t dive the next 5 days. Apparently ear infections are very common and I have to really be careful when equalizing and not go down too fast. But also, I am not the only one with a little discomfort. Our instructor got bitten by a trigger fish in the arm yesterday, another girl got bitten in her foot the day before and she couldn‘t dive for 2 days, one guy got some sort of food poisoning and another guy got an awful headache for 2 days.