I missed my connecting flight, the check-in was closed or my flight was cancelled, I didn‘t really understand the woman at the check-in shelter. But what I understood: I was not going to Chang Mai today anymore. She said I can take the plane tomorrow at 6am for a fee of 17€. I didn‘t blink an eye and took the offer. And now I am at the airport. It‘s already midnight. At 4am I can check-in for my flight. I will try to sleep a little. Today was quite a lot.

The morning started with a grilled sweet potato that I bought from a very kind cambodian man for breakfast. On the bus to Phnom Penh I had a very good conversation with the cambodian guy sitting next to me. He works with an NGO and has multiple school projects where he looks for volunteers, so we exchanged contacts, let’s see. At a stop I had a fantastic Iced Green Tea. And then I met a couple from Berlin that I went to lunch with. They plan to rent some scooters for two weeks and drive around Cambodia. Then, the genozid museum…that speaks for itself. Then flight. Then missed flight. But honestly, I don‘t mind. I‘ll wait, try to sleep a bit…not the first time sleeping at an airport. And: very looking forward for tomorrow. Apparently there are some temples in Chiang Mai where monks offer public guided meditation. And I already feel like 5 days is not enough for Chiang Mai, and I know people told me 5 days is not enough, but if that‘s the case, then I guess, I‘ll just have to come back one day!